Sunday, May 24, 2009

Another late night

Just looking at past few blog postings, I realized that I am a night owl.
Maybe its that my creative writing skills (and typos) start to bleed through.
Maybe it's that I suffer from the occasional insomnia, or I just love blogging.
Or it could be "Blogsomnia."

But what ever it is, I know it's not the best for me physically and spiritually.
Late nights for me never put me in best place to succeed.
Let's get back to the place of discipline. Of focus. Of living on the edge.

It's not that we never struggle, and it's not that we are fearless.
But when we come face-to-face with our greatest enemy we can look em' in the eyes and say, "You are not my master, I am in control."
And finding courage to do what is right in the face of fear, because:

Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD,
whose trust is the LORD.
He is like a tree planted by water,
that sends out its roots by the stream,
and does not fear when heat comes,
for its leaves remain green,
and is not anxious in the year of drought,
for it does not cease to bear fruit."
-Jeremiah 17:7


Monday, May 18, 2009

It begins...

Well today officially started my mission here in Thib.
This is where it begins, where the rubber meets the road.
Where knowledge meets faith, and faith meets action.
Where I begin to tip-toe the the edge. Where I look out onto the horizon and listen. And if I listen hard enough, I'll hear that sweet voice calling me.
Jump he says.

And when I do. One of two things will happen. Either He will catch me, or I'll learn how to fly.
Ahh it feels good, richer than any millionaire.

-Todays weather was a sweet humid-less 73 degrees, and I soaked in every bit of it
-I prayer walked around campus, surveying the land asking him to reveal his plans
-Had a meeting about the new radio station gig, and Father opened up a door
-did some interviews for a vid I'm putting together.

Tommorow will keep the plow to the ground, through His grace.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

A smile is worth all the tea in China

I haven't seen my parents laugh together like that in a long time.
We talked about the ol' restaurant and all the crazies that would come. Like Mrs. Mary, with that ear piercing laugh that would make everyone cringe. Or that one time that lady (supposedly) found ants and flies in her food. Or how about "The Colonel" and his eggroll stealing mother?

Everyone was ROFL, in the most literal sense, and just having a good time. Despite the extreme valleys we've trecked through this year, things are looking up.
Things are looking brighter, but is that a light at the end of the tunnel a bright blue sky or is it a train? Not sure. But tonight sure was a nice distraction.


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Funny roomate

I have a crazy roomate, his name is Yuta (pronounced Utah).
Imagine the 3 Stooges rolled into one person and you made that person Japanese,
that's who Yuta is like.

Funny story:
Well we just got back from the Student Union on campus cause, I forgot something, and while we where riding there I started messing with him. I convinced him that my radio was "voice-activated" and everytime I would say the station 105.3, KNSU, etc. It would automatically change. And the funny part was that he totally believed me! Then he tried it and he was so fascinated and started going nuts about how awesome that was (in broken engrish of course).

Then while we were at the union, I started telling him the "true" story about the ghost girl who haunts the union. And made up this story of how NSU was built on a plantation and the girl was murdered along with her family, etc. And he totally believed it!

But my intentions to poke fun at his gullableness gave way to a spiritual conversation about how we all face judgment before the Father. I guess all things work for good for those....

I love messing with that guy, what a goofball.

Join his facebook fan-club: here and here

Monday, May 11, 2009

I love/hate you

It’s funny how we can feel such a personal connection with TV shows, commercials and advertising. And it’s something that I, an aspiring journalist, have come to appreciate.
Journalists succeed when we make our audience feel a certain way. For better or for worse, we want you to believe in whatever it is we are "selling."

But when it comes to advertising, underneath those moving pictures and the soft glow of the screen, it’s are a marketing machine. An empty shell of promised dreams. Only desiring 1 thing. My attention and my money. They want us to buy what they are selling.

So hard truth is that we are not very different in that we desire the same things.
And that is what I love/hate about you.

Check it:

Friday, May 8, 2009

Hello and goodbyes

It has been a while (actually almost a year) since i've updated this blog. After recently visiting a friends blog, I was reminded of how fun it is to be blogging. It gives us a peak into each others lives and sometimes that's all we need to be reminded of the most important things in life.
The story we share with Father and the story we share with each other.

I'll be in Thibodaux this summer, my summer plans in London have been x'ed.
The drummer for the band i'm in once said, "Doubt see's obstacle, faith see's opportunity."
And with that said, I remember that my calling to invest into others and be a disciple-maker has not changed. All that has changed is my sending.
So with that said...

Tony: Even though we haven't known each other very long, goodbye London.
London: Hey that's okay, but remember there will always be a basket of fish and chips waiting for you.
Tony: No thanks, I'd much rather my fried catfish.

moments later.....

Thibodaux: Hey good looking, you need a place to stay?
Tony: Hello, absolutely. But tell me one thing...
Thibodaux: Sure, what's that?
Tony: know any good jokes?
Thibodaux: of course! So Boudreaux and Thibodaux walk into Wal-Mart.......