It felt good. No, it felt great being out there. The smell of the grass and the grace of a soaring Frisbee, there’s nothing quite like it. Today was my first game of Ultimate Frisbee I’ve had in a very long time.
One of the greatest lessons I’ve learned in Cardiff and Koln was seeing every moment of human contact as an opportunity to walk obediently in the spirit. Whether it’s making small talk with an Egyptian guy on the bus, or praying for those 2 men from Sudan. No matter how big or small, that one chance to touch someone’s soul with the words of Christ are there.
As each day passes here in T-town, the truth is, those opportunities are far and few in between. Life here at Nicholls is pretty quite, especially working here in an empty radio station.
But when that chance comes, to share a bit of everyday life with someone, I get as giddy as a fat guy locked in a donut shop. But just like being arrested for trespassing, that small window of opportunity closes as quickly as it opened.
PR for those guys I met playing Ultimate Frisbee, that the truth of the Gospel would some how become a reality in there lives.
I’m reminded why I’m here in Thibodaux and not London.

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