Saturday, January 30, 2010
Big Week
It'll start out with a prayer watch at 9pm tonight for "Crazy Love" a joint outreach week
with Chi Alpha and Alpha to Omega.
Then it's off to the races:
-3 day outreach event
-discipleship meetings
-free lunch Thursdays and Frisbee
-FCA at Thibodaux High School
-then a weekend in Alexendria for CEC.
-Sunday School
-and finally Black and Gold Superbowl
not to mention I need to keep my head above the water in my Spanish class.
Gotta make sure I'm repented up, prayed up, or else I'm gonna screw up.
Until then I'm gonna play some soccer and enjoy this beautiful day!
Keep yo' head up
But where? Vancouver, Hands-On, Jman?
And it's tough being in this place. The place of not knowing.
I remember hearing a friend talk about how she was scared about her next step in life. But I never quite understood her, because at the time I was the guy who had his future all mapped out.
But then that all came crashing down this winter. And here I am now.
Not knowing.
But, you know what? I kinda like it here.
Not literally here, as in the town Thibodaux.
I mean right here in my spiritual journey of not knowing, in taking it one step at a time.
Resting in Fathers hands, with no worries.
It's actually quite freeing and calming. Like a tree planted by the streams.
Calm. Cool. At peace.
Maybe that's what Father is trying to remind me?
That a lamp only illuminates that very next step. That's it.
That the Red Sea parted one step at a time.
And pride happens when I think I'm better than God at planning my life, or more accurately, fooling myself into believing I'm better at planning my own steps.
C.S. Lewis talked about this pride and how prideful men cannot see God because they are always looking down on people and things. And if they are always looking down they can't see God above them.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Haiti. Fort Hood. Global Economic Crisis.
I don't feel anger, fear, or remorse when I hear about this.
Just static apathy.
Even though I like to read up on world news quit a bit, sometimes I feel
that I do it just so I can pretend I care.
Lord have mercy on me. Incline my heart to yours. Amen
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
I guess this is that emo I promised.....
And we see Leonardo Dicaprio's character running through waste deep water trying to find
ya girl so they can escape? Remember that?
As a kid I watched that scene and an uneasy feeling of despair welled up in me.
The feeling was claustrophobic. So much despair. And I always wondered what would I do to find a way out. To escape.
Well, that uneasiness come bubbling to the surface again, but I was in no theater.
And there was no popcorn.
It happen when I walked through the administration buildings at school today.
I was there taking care of my graduation stuff in Talbot Hall.
This is the kinda place that has dim lighting, depressing artwork,
But what ever reason, I know that my time here is coming to a close.
That subtle whisper to go and discover new cities is now blaring in surround sound.
I can't ignore it, I just can't...... but I must press on and finish my race here.
New theme up
In the mean time, tell me what you think!
Monday, January 25, 2010
"Cupcake Theory"
found the answer. And it's called the "Cupcake Theory."
You see, my office is located in the back of our building and most students hang out in the front.
And I've tried almost everything to create an atmosphere that would lure them to me.
Soft lighting, great Feng Shui (or the art of placing furniture), hand-painted artwork, and even scented candles. Now granted, I do pass through the front and spark conversation with people all the time, but I've always found it hard to get students to pop-in me office and chat.
See, this is where the more mano-a-mano conversations can happen, the kind that proverbs 20:5 describes as the "deep waters of a man's heart."
And up until this point, none of my tactics seemed to work.
Until now......
I call it the "Cupcake Theory". And it's a simple 3 step process to making friends:
1. Bake cupcakes (make sure they are fresh and have lots of creamy icing)
2. Strategically place freshly created cupcakes in office, i.e., a coffee table or on a your desk
3. Anytime you want to lure anyone in, just say, "Hey, I baked you a cupcake!"
4. Commence conversation starters, i.e., "So what DO you think about predestination?"
And this is how you can create a completely non-threatening atmosphere that's 100% natural!
And the proof is in the pudding.... or cake. Cause today I had three really nice conversations. Multiply that by 44 weeks and there are an infinite number of possibilities!!!
So with that said, go forth and bake. Bake till your little cakes rise and bring brighter days for all and all a good night!
P.S. maybe I'll be able to lure my future wife this Valentines Day with these cupcakes:

hahahahahahahahahahaha........ j/k I don't believe in Valentines Day.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Totally Epic.

Saints are going to the superbowl..... SAINTS ARE GOING TO THE SUPERBOWL!
This state, city, and people deserve this win. We will remake history, we ain't the "Aints" no more!
The superdome was the scene of the death of New Orleans, now it is the scene of the REBIRTH!
What an epic game, yes!
Video of me acting a fool as we win:
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Peach Fuzz.
Days filled with acne, awkward cracked voice, and bad terrible haircuts.
And this blog has seen it's fair share of awkward moments.
But I think it's growing into it's own thing, maybe even maturing a little bit.
So to help it in it's process of becoming a independent citizen of the blogging community, I'll be giving this blog a makeover.
So look forward to some really cool emo page designs.
Maybe I'll even add in a few skulls. Hahaha.
Friday, January 22, 2010
A quick poem: Part Deux
...... it says good things always are. They are worth it.
Every tear, every sleepless night. Every wounded pride. Good things always are.
They are always worth it.
The Old man said, "Let me love, let me live. Let me be alive."
So he's opening his eyes. And he's praying, "let me live, let me feel, let me be alive. I'm coming back."
~This has been a project that I've been wanting to do for a while. To add to the themes from my favorite
singer/songwriter Andrew Osenga and his song, "Let Us Know You."
I've always wanted to be a songwriter but felt that I never really had what it takes.
So, it was nice to step into the shoes of a truly great artist, if just for a day.Thursday, January 21, 2010
A quick poem
“All my life”, the old man said. “I’ve been sitting here,
Feelings like a pinwheel motion with no journey. Waiting…. just waiting.
When will I move on, when will I get to take it?
That chance that comes to catch myself from falling.”
He’s given her his love, but she doesn’t want to take it.
He finds no appreciation, with a tinge of bitter agitation.
He can’t be strong enough, he must go on.
He’s moved on. He still receives her letters and he’s read them all.
He tries to make sense of her stories, but distance and time have faded his feelings.
He had to go numb to survive.
So he’s closing his eyes and he’s praying,
“Let me live, let me love, let me be alive.
Let me know you.”
But to his surprise, what he thought was long-buried.
It awakens and reaches it’s hands from the sand, and grips his heart and speaks.
“Let me know you.”
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
What I really miss....
-a guitar that stays in tune
-having a tub that drains so I don't have to stand in ankle deep waste water
-clean socks
-not feeling sore all the time
-a CD album I can listen to from start to finish
-playing music with a band
-waking up on time
-not going to all-day meetings
-my perfectly tinted sunglasses, I do hate those bright blinding mornings
-milk in the fridge
-being around my (Asian) peoples
And one big thing: Vancouver City.
that's all. Thank you, come again.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Monday Morning
But more importantly the New Orleans Saints are one win away from their first Superbowl. YES!
What a way to start off the week. And today everything good just felt a little bit more gooder and you could even taste the faint sweetness of "who dat" in the air.
Starting this winter break, I've decided to take upon some disciplines for this semester:
1. keep it simple. Focus on a few things, and do those things well. Relationships, personal ministry, and spiritual growth.
2. Be assertive in saying, "No." Not because I'm lazy, mean, or busy. Don't be distracted from the prize.
3. My anthem statement: Be urgent with the legacy that I want to leave behind.
4. I will no longer spend late nights at the office. 5pm cut off time
5. cooking at home more = healthy living = feeling better about myself
6. be a better blogger
Just like Paul says in 1 Cor. 9:25, "I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as one beating the air. But I discipline my body...." to literally pummel oneself into submission. Why? So that I may run the race with focus and determination to win the prize. The task handed to me from Christ.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Sunday morning
But this Sunday was different. All those things that defined Sunday mornings recently, faded out of sight. Until I saw what's really been here this entire time. Unity in worship.
Sweet time in prayer with my Pastor, then convicting words from Bible study. Even sweet worship from that ol' hymn book and those songs I've heard dozens of times. And the heavy peace the spirit brings when He wells within my soul. It was good.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Pic update!
Rainy all week
All you can eat sushi night!
Made a cool chinese friend and Pastor!
New friends from The Point Church
fellaz at the table. Hey, who used all the soy sauce!?
Hello ladies!
The Point Church iHOP syrup shooters!
Strawberry syrup! Vancouverites just want to have fun!
Very cool public market, lots of indie shops.
Mellissa enjoying a day in the rain
China Town, mostly tourist central
He's in complete control....
Curling in action. The sport was actually created to lure men
into doing house chores. Like sweeping
Ok that's about it seeya later!
Friday, January 15, 2010
Denver City Disaster
Some bozo in Seattle didn't fuel the airplane correctly, causing us to sit on the tarmac for 2 hrs.
We finally get to Denver, but my flight to N.O. already left. I end up spending the night.
And guess what happens the next morning: I'm late for my flight.
I take off running, but something doesn't feel right.
It felt like I was running in slow motion, like I was under water.
And then I feel like my lungs sticking and my heart saying, "no."
Then I remember, this is the MILE high city. Great. Just great.
It was like I was a young lad working at Glorieta Conference Center in New Mexico again.
You see, where I lived and where I worked was a good quarter
mile trek followed by, "The Stair Case."
48 steps of pure high altitude hell.
And what made things worse was when I was late to work, which was almost always the case.
So in the end, I was drenched with sweat, feeling like an old man, and I miss my flight by mere minutes. So 10 hours from now, I'll finally be on a plane back to home.
where I spent most the day vegging out:
(this has nothing to do with this post)
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
A sliver of light
Today at 11:45am, there was a sliver of light that broke through the 5 days of rain. I woke up, pressed my hand to window and breathed it in. And it was pretty amazing.
I can say the same about my time here. This place has awakened me from a sleepy view of
Christianity. These people are desperate for hope, and the veil of darkness can only be penetrated by the Word and His people.
We saw the "Road to God", which is a street with a Sikh Temple, Muslim Mosque, a Chinese Evangelical Church, a Jewish synagogue, Hindu Temple, and Buddhist Temple.
Know what you believe, know what others believe. Then, I can better communicate Father's love in a way that honors and values them as a person and respects their culture.
Well, up at 4am to catch the 4 hour bus ride to Seattle, then flight to MSY.
Not ready for the sore butt syndrome. At least I got my ipod.
See you on the other side!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Rain rain go away
Many people here suffer from seasonal affective disorder or SAD for short.
This is when during winter months, the days are shorter, darker, and colder.
And, according to wikipedia, this in turn causes shortness of breath, tingling in the left arm,
and even cardiac arrest. Wow, scary....
I think they should make another disorder that spells out HAPPY or JOY,
and you feel it every time you eat ice-cream on a hot day.
Or when you put on socks straight from the dryer.
Or when you find that perfect scarf that matches that sweater.
Is that..... kimchi?
3 churches.
All you can eat sushi till 11:30pm.
Meeting new brothers.
Can there be anything better than this?
We got to praise with Cantonese, Korean, and university congregations today.
And it was honestly the most church I've ever had in 1 day.
But the Korean church made one of the stronger impressions on me today.
When I walked into the church, I smelled something funny, kinda sour, and musty.
My friend said it was the "spirit" doing His work.
Then I realized it was the smell of kimchi. But even more strange, these people smelled like kimchi. That doesn't mean I love them any less.
Met some really great people their and hope to spend more time with them when we come back.
But please, no more kimchi breakfast fellowships. Or kimchi chili cookoffs.
Kimchi served along-side the Lord's supper. Or kimchi air-freshener.
We also traveled to University of British Columbia, a school that draws likeness to Berkley and Yale. On our way their we drove down a gorgeous neighborhood:
and saw this Hobbit house for sale:
Guess how much it's selling for...... ok ready?
$2.7 million. Now you can pick your jaw up off the table.
I'm gaining a better view on how our M-team will best fit in here. It's about us seeing where
Father is working, kneeling down and joining Him at work.
Dang... I just want our team to see their own untapped potential. To really become the men
and women of the King and become the movers and shakers of there generation.
Insite or Insight?
So here I am, eating a bagel-turkey sandwich. It's a tall sandwich, with lots of layers.
What makes it even more special is this really nice chipotle mustard.
This city is kinda like this sandwich, lots of layers. It's like a small voice that's calling me to peer deeper.
I'm slowly learning about this city. There are so many textures:
metropolis, forest, ocean, bay, slums, university's, koi ponds, fish
market, indie shops, vintage hat store, hills, bridges, skyline, and
lots of escalators. It's like I'm a kid again running my hand through
rows and rows of clothes. Each finger feeling a different texture.
Today we passed by East Hastings: the poorest zip code in North
America. Drug use is rampant. People were dying left and right in back
allies from drug overdose. Many felt the government needed to step in
and do something. So, they did. By opening up a place where drug users
can safely use drugs, the facility provides clean needles and nurses
for supervision. Don't believe me? Click here
I'm praying that the spirit would give me insight onsight. Jesus eyes to see the need and spirit ears to hear the call. There is much darkness here, where does He want us to be?
Lastly, for now, this city seems to sell virtually anything you could think of in the most odd places.
Like at this market for kids.
which sold:
More tomorrow, see you soon.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Leggo my Ego
Great people, easy going.
I've been traveling for 16 hrs. and running on 3 hours sleep.
So here are my quick observations from the day bullet style:
-I haven't been around this many Asians in years
-I went to a meeting here's what it looked like: 4 Canadians, 3 Chinese, 1 Korean, 2 Iranians
-Crossing the border was surprisingly terrifying
-Seattle = beautiful dreary city
-it feels good to shower off a days worth of travel
-there are no ego's here. Humble followers.
-Thibodaux is colder.
-we met a crazy sad girl in the subway, she told us her life story in 5 minutes.
-Tommorow we will be watching a Curling Match
-50% of this city is Atheist
-This is unlike any city I've ever been to. A mix between Toronto, LA, Hong Kong, and Koln.
-My brain feels like overstuffed luggage. And my friend here keeps shoving city facts into my head
-Bus ride from Seattle to Vancouver: 4 Hours 7 minutes 48 secs
-The best way to protect yourself from.............
-sword wielding Arabs?
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Resurrecting the blog
It could be Tommorow, it could be tonight, it could be 3 months from now!
But I digress. Tommorow I leave out to Vancouver, BC.
Yes, that's on the west coast right above Washington.
More importantly I will be their on a scout trip for an upcoming M-trip.
My first hurdle? Fitting 5 days of stuff into 1 bag. This bag:
My 15 inch macbook pro for comparison:
I'm always up for a challenge.....