found the answer. And it's called the "Cupcake Theory."
You see, my office is located in the back of our building and most students hang out in the front.
And I've tried almost everything to create an atmosphere that would lure them to me.
Soft lighting, great Feng Shui (or the art of placing furniture), hand-painted artwork, and even scented candles. Now granted, I do pass through the front and spark conversation with people all the time, but I've always found it hard to get students to pop-in me office and chat.
See, this is where the more mano-a-mano conversations can happen, the kind that proverbs 20:5 describes as the "deep waters of a man's heart."
And up until this point, none of my tactics seemed to work.
Until now......
I call it the "Cupcake Theory". And it's a simple 3 step process to making friends:
1. Bake cupcakes (make sure they are fresh and have lots of creamy icing)
2. Strategically place freshly created cupcakes in office, i.e., a coffee table or on a your desk
3. Anytime you want to lure anyone in, just say, "Hey, I baked you a cupcake!"
4. Commence conversation starters, i.e., "So what DO you think about predestination?"
And this is how you can create a completely non-threatening atmosphere that's 100% natural!
And the proof is in the pudding.... or cake. Cause today I had three really nice conversations. Multiply that by 44 weeks and there are an infinite number of possibilities!!!
So with that said, go forth and bake. Bake till your little cakes rise and bring brighter days for all and all a good night!
P.S. maybe I'll be able to lure my future wife this Valentines Day with these cupcakes:

hahahahahahahahahahaha........ j/k I don't believe in Valentines Day.
Loved this post! And who knew you were such a creative cup cake maker?! Wish I could reach into the screen and grab one! But I guess that would defeat the purpose, huh? :)
Hahaha, well I didn't make those cupcakes. But if I did, I still wouldn't give you one. Because Kev would probably beat me up :)
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