Saturday, April 17, 2010

Not for all the tea in China.

I gassed up the car Friday afternoon and drove. And drove. Picked up my friend Michelle Palmer and drove some more. 5 long hours later, we arrived in West Monroe (the armpit of Louisiana). Just in time to check the first item off my bucket list: Attend an Andrew Osenga Concert.

The cramps in my legs and lowerback seemed to melt away as Andrew made sweet sweet love to his guitar.
And everyone there in that "too big of a room for such a small crowd" witnessed it.
For the next hour his humility, his passion, his anger, his brokenness and his redemption were laid bare for us to see.
It was like he was cooking and the penetrating smell of emotion filled the room.
Everyone wanted a taste of it.

It was memorizing, inspiring, and oh so satisfying.
I PR that the rest of the bucketlist will be just the same.

Was it worth the drive? Yes. Worth the cramps? Yes. Worth the sleepless drive back? Yes.
Would I ever trade the experience? Not for all the tea in China.

awesome moment in time

Thursday, April 8, 2010

New-City Nervous

For those who don't know, I'll be leading students on a 2-week mission
experience in Vancouver in May.
It's all about S led friendship building and life on life J sharing.
And lots of PRwalking.
When I think about this great task ahead, I get a little nervous.

These students are trusting me to lead them in a city I barely know, connect with a people I've never met, and relate to a culture I know little of.

They need me to take the lead in this big city, but I'm pretty clueless on how to really do it.
All I have is a few short months of mission experience, but is that really enough?
Then I remember, it's the spirit that has carried you to this point, and it's his S that will see you through. It's not about my competency or how well I do.
It's about who I'm owned and operated by. And that's the Father.

This week I have an opportunity to do great things. Because my Father is great.

Fast forward

Well, one more month then it's graduation and off to Vancouver.
What have I been upto lately?

Well here's my to do list this week:

and that's only scratching the surface.

I've been plugging along all this year, at it's all been really great.
Ministry has been joyfilled and life-altering, Saints winning the Superbowl, and graduation is right around the corner. It's all been deeply satisfying and will probably go down as my favorite year at NSUEY.

But to be honest, I'm feeling a little tired. A little weary from the journey.
Emotionally spent, if you will.
I need to be refreshed, renewed, and poured into.

I need to spend time with people who I want to be around, true friends.
Rather than those that I have to be around.

I want to be around those who have a heart for the nations that I do.
Because I need to be reminded of how big G is and how he reaches out to the middle east, Middle Kingdom, NK, and Afreeka.

I hope that times comes before I lead this team, because He knows how much I need it.