The cramps in my legs and lowerback seemed to melt away as Andrew made sweet sweet love to his guitar.
And everyone there in that "too big of a room for such a small crowd" witnessed it.
For the next hour his humility, his passion, his anger, his brokenness and his redemption were laid bare for us to see.
It was like he was cooking and the penetrating smell of emotion filled the room.
Everyone wanted a taste of it.
It was memorizing, inspiring, and oh so satisfying.
I PR that the rest of the bucketlist will be just the same.
Was it worth the drive? Yes. Worth the cramps? Yes. Worth the sleepless drive back? Yes.
Would I ever trade the experience? Not for all the tea in China.

awesome moment in time
1 comments: was pretty fantastic. So glad I could be there to enjoy it with you!
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