Monday, May 31, 2010

I am George this is my Jungle

Pass Spanish, Graduate, pack my life, say the goodbyes, prepare the NSU Vancouver team, logistics, airplane, little sleep. This past 2 months have been hurricane season for me.

But I see the clouds parting a bit, that liquid sunshine turns to real sunshine.
Life here is sweet. I'd rather be tired, feet hurting, exhausted mentally spiritually and staying true to the path of Father. I've spent too long at ease and comfort, outside of the path.

But I've made it to Vancouver. So many people asked me if I'm excited, and it's hard to say...
Yes I love the city and SFU, yes I'm learning the culture, yes it does remind me of my Homeland (HK). All reasons to be excited.
But when I think of some of the best albums I've ever heard, They've tended to grow on me.
On first listen, it wasn't current or catchy or full of hooks.
More like a 80% (fair-trade) cocoa chocolate, subtle, deep, and rich.

I hope this city grows on me, and that makes it exciting.
I am George this is my jungle.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

New pad, new friends

With the NSU team, plowing sowing and seeing our walk of obediance.
Sweet time.

Also got to check out my new house.
Hockey time now!

Friday, May 21, 2010


Monday, May 17, 2010


Grace, mercy, blessing and abundance.
All undeserved.

I was once a punk kid, who didn't want anything to do with The King or His Words.
But the Spirit captured me, made me new, and put Spirit-filled men in my path.
All undeserved.

I left with $200 in hand, and a promise from a friend that he would be a strong arm of
support for me while in Vancouver.
All undeserved.

All undeserved.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

2 weeks

I love the travel channel, especially Anthony Bourdain's: No Reservations.
He's a great story teller, capturing life from Laos to Ireland to Panama. I love how doesn't sanitize what he see's, but he portrays the raw beauty and utter despair every culture has.

Being able to experience the world through his eyes and the lens of that camera is nice, but it's like a stamp size picture of the ocean. There is no comparison, It just doesn't do it justice.

I'm missing out on the mystery, depth, flavors, smells, and textures that new worlds have to offer. As that gentle ache gets harder to ignore, I feel like a painter who's only able to use
a fraction of the color palate.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm going to miss the bayou and all those Cajuns.
But this world has too much culture and life to offer to let it pass by.
And I'm not missing out.

2 weeks. And we all can feel a calling.
To make this world a little smaller,
So a boy got on a plane.....

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Everything is easy....

I fight, bite, and try my best to make the right decision and to be an honorable guy.
Often times I come to the end of my own endurance and little wisdom I own exhausted defeated and feeling like an ass.
I'm burnt out with logistics of missions and ministry and I can't even remember why I'm in it in the first place.

Then the spirit shows up, and reminds me of my first love.
I do it because of Hosanna, welcoming the King of Israel.
Then life settles, and things become clear.
Those choices that were heavy burdens upon my back?
They lift off like a feather in the passing breeze.
Then everything refocuses. Those blurred lines become crisp and easy to make sense of.

When your led by the spirit,
everything is easy.....

Sunday, May 2, 2010

I gotta get back.... I just gotta

Ever seen the movie, "Book of Eli"?
Denzel Washington's character is on a mission, mostly shrouded in mystery for the first half of the movie. It revolves around a decimated post-apocalyptic America and a book. But not just any book, it's The Book.
And an unquenchable desire to head west, to complete his mission.
I'll leave it at that because I hate spoilers, just remember he dies at the end (bet you didn't see that coming).

So I kinda feel like Denzel's character.
My mission?
To head back east, to reconnect with the rich history of my people.
Along the way, being a voice for those who are silenced by fear and oppression....
and telling the greatest story ever told; the story of redemption, rescue, and restoration found
in a book. But not just any book, The Book.

See, I gotta get back.... and Vancouver is my first step.
This city has the highest concentrations of ethnic Chinese residents in North America.
So to get back east, to the west I must go.

So how do I be content in every situation, as the good Book says, when I'm not satisfied with where I am?

I guess it's the pursuit of "the peace that surpasses all understanding" that leaves me restless....