Denzel Washington's character is on a mission, mostly shrouded in mystery for the first half of the movie. It revolves around a decimated post-apocalyptic America and a book. But not just any book, it's The Book.
And an unquenchable desire to head west, to complete his mission.
I'll leave it at that because I hate spoilers, just remember he dies at the end (bet you didn't see that coming).
So I kinda feel like Denzel's character.
My mission?
To head back east, to reconnect with the rich history of my people.
Along the way, being a voice for those who are silenced by fear and oppression....
and telling the greatest story ever told; the story of redemption, rescue, and restoration found
in a book. But not just any book, The Book.
See, I gotta get back.... and Vancouver is my first step.
This city has the highest concentrations of ethnic Chinese residents in North America.
So to get back east, to the west I must go.
So how do I be content in every situation, as the good Book says, when I'm not satisfied with where I am?
I guess it's the pursuit of "the peace that surpasses all understanding" that leaves me restless....
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