Sunday, May 9, 2010

2 weeks

I love the travel channel, especially Anthony Bourdain's: No Reservations.
He's a great story teller, capturing life from Laos to Ireland to Panama. I love how doesn't sanitize what he see's, but he portrays the raw beauty and utter despair every culture has.

Being able to experience the world through his eyes and the lens of that camera is nice, but it's like a stamp size picture of the ocean. There is no comparison, It just doesn't do it justice.

I'm missing out on the mystery, depth, flavors, smells, and textures that new worlds have to offer. As that gentle ache gets harder to ignore, I feel like a painter who's only able to use
a fraction of the color palate.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm going to miss the bayou and all those Cajuns.
But this world has too much culture and life to offer to let it pass by.
And I'm not missing out.

2 weeks. And we all can feel a calling.
To make this world a little smaller,
So a boy got on a plane.....