Thursday, May 6, 2010

Everything is easy....

I fight, bite, and try my best to make the right decision and to be an honorable guy.
Often times I come to the end of my own endurance and little wisdom I own exhausted defeated and feeling like an ass.
I'm burnt out with logistics of missions and ministry and I can't even remember why I'm in it in the first place.

Then the spirit shows up, and reminds me of my first love.
I do it because of Hosanna, welcoming the King of Israel.
Then life settles, and things become clear.
Those choices that were heavy burdens upon my back?
They lift off like a feather in the passing breeze.
Then everything refocuses. Those blurred lines become crisp and easy to make sense of.

When your led by the spirit,
everything is easy.....


MiChE said...

Amen brother! Except, I would think that everything is easier...not necessarily easy.

I hope you plan on keeping your blog as you go on your journey. I'd love to read it. :)

Rachel said...

What a good reminder that it's not my efforts that make the difference or really matter, but being able to let go of all of these.

TonyPinball said...

I think you've got a point. The life of a follower is full of stress inducing painful choices. But I've seen the spirit bail me out so many times, by making decisions for me. And they are always work for my good and His glory.

michelle.y.palmer said...

Such a good word, Tony. I need to print this out and put it somewhere I'll see it everyday. In fact, I think I will...

TonyPinball said...

haha your so funny, now I'm on the wall of fame