Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A sliver of light

Well, I've come to the end of my experience. This has been a crazy couple of days.
Today at 11:45am, there was a sliver of light that broke through the 5 days of rain. I woke up, pressed my hand to window and breathed it in. And it was pretty amazing.

I can say the same about my time here. This place has awakened me from a sleepy view of
Christianity. These people are desperate for hope, and the veil of darkness can only be penetrated by the Word and His people.

We saw the "Road to God", which is a street with a Sikh Temple, Muslim Mosque, a Chinese Evangelical Church, a Jewish synagogue, Hindu Temple, and Buddhist Temple.
Know what you believe, know what others believe. Then, I can better communicate Father's love in a way that honors and values them as a person and respects their culture.

Well, up at 4am to catch the 4 hour bus ride to Seattle, then flight to MSY.
Not ready for the sore butt syndrome. At least I got my ipod.

See you on the other side!